What is an SEO audit, what it includes, and why it is important for you?
SEO audit is simply a review of your website in order to identify opportunities to boost your search engine optimization. This includes analysis of keywords and ranking, usability and performance, social media score, link quality assessment, and on-page SEO results. This will allow you to find areas in which your website could improve, show you what could be done better, and effectively attract more attention to your site.
Why do we offer an SEO audit for free?
The average price for such a service in London is around £100. We offer this service for free because we want to be completely transparent and make sure you understand the optimisation of your website. We also want you to always be a part of the process and to have a point of reference for judging our work in the future. Moreover, performing free audits gives us experience and understanding of the wants and needs of various websites.
What do we need to perform an SEO audit of your website?
All we need from you is the URL of your website and your contact details in order to perform your SEO audit and send you the results.
We would love to hear from you!
We are always happy to help. Just fill out the contact form, and our experienced team of SEO specialists will get back to you within 24 hours!